1 | 门房说看见他划船去了。 | Boy said he see him go off sculling in the dinghy. | |
2 | 那位女记者说有一个炸弹或一批炸弹可能在凌晨三点爆炸。 | The newspaperwoman had said a bomb or bombs might go off at 3 A.M | |
3 | 枪走火; 操之过急(指计划、典礼等尚未安排就绪即行开始) | go off at half cock | |
4 | 热气体将被星系中爆发的任何超新星进一步加热。 | The hot gas will be heated further by any supernova which go off in the galaxy | |
5 | 人必以你的财宝为掳物,以你的货财为掠物,破坏你的墙垣,拆毁你华美的房屋,将你的石头,木头,尘土都抛在水中。 | They will take by force all your wealth and go off with the goods with which you do trade: they will have your walls broken down and all the houses of your desire given up to destruction: they will put your stones and your wood and your dust deep in the water. | |
6 | 肉和鱼在热天很快会变质。 | Meat and fish go off quickly in hot weather | |
7 | 赛特笠太太狠狠地说道:“原来那丫头是个诡计多端的东西,明天就叫她走。” | “She shall go off tomorrow, the little artful creature,”said Mrs. Sedley, with great energy | |
8 | 甚至他们不必从田野捡柴,也不必从树林伐木。因为他们要用器械烧火,并且抢夺那抢夺他们的人,掳掠那掳掠他们的人。这是主耶和华说的。 | And they will take no wood out of the field or have any cut down in the woods; for they will make their fires of the instruments of war: and they will take by force the property of those who took their property, and go off with the goods of those who took their goods, says the Lord. | |
9 | 生意兴隆,他的商品很好卖(畅销)。 | Trade flourishes and his commodities go off well | |
10 | 使说假话的兆头失效,使占卜的癫狂,使智慧人退后,使他的知识变为愚拙。 | Who makes the signs of those who give word of the future come to nothing, so that those who have knowledge of secret arts go off their heads; turning the wise men back, and making their knowledge foolish: | |
11 | 示巴人,底但人,他施的客商,和其间的少壮狮子都必问你说,你来要抢财为掳物吗?你聚集军队要夺货为掠物吗?要夺取金银,掳去牲畜,财货吗?要抢夺许多财宝为掳物吗? | Sheba, and Dedan and her traders, Tarshish with all her traders, will say to you, Have you come to take our goods? have you got your armies together to take away our property by force? to take away silver and gold, cattle and goods, to go off with great wealth? | |
12 | 所以开始工作的时间也比较早,一般是早晨八点。每天工作八个小时,五点下班,所以我们也称上班族是“早八晚五”。 | They usually start work at eight early in the morning, go off work at five in the after noon after working eight hours, so we often call office workers “those who leave at eight in the morning and return at five in the afternoon”. | |
13 | 他背著书包上学去了。 | He go off to school with a satchel over his shoulder. | |
14 | 他感兴趣的是关于我们会撤消金本位制并且我们的美钞将不再与金属货币对值的传言。 | What concerned him was the rumor that we would someday go off the gold standard and our dollars would no longer be silver certificates. | |
15 | 他回避着这个问题。“所有的女人都是一样,”他说,要不是她一点儿也不享受,象是死了的样子,便是等男子完了,才来开始使自己享受,男人只好悬在那里等。我还没有碰到一个和我一起享受完毕的女人。” | He avoided the question. `All the darned women are like that,’ he said. `Either they don’t go off at all, as if they were dead in there...or else they wait till a chap’s really done, and then they start in to bring themselves off, and a chap’s got to hang on. I never had a woman yet who went off just at the same moment as I did. | |
16 | 他坚持在时机尚未成熟时不可仓促执行这些计划。 | He insisted that these plans should not be allowed to go off at halfcock | |
17 | 他来了以后你再走。 | Don’t go off until he comes. | |
18 | 他们步行去观看城镇的风景。 | They go off in foot to see the sights of the town. | |
19 | 他们到另一个所在去梦想,他们由于有了音乐而梦想,关于音乐的梦想,但却从来不真正在听音乐。 | They go off to a place to dream, dreaming because of and apropos of the music yet never quite listening to it | |
20 | 他试图开枪,但没有打响。 | He fired but his pistol failed to go off . | |
21 | 他说,如果你是医生,有一个病人躺在手术台上,流着鲜血,这时下班时间到了,你会转身就走吗?我当然不会走。 | He asked me, if you were a doctor, a bleeding patient were lying on the operating table, would you turn and leave because it was time to go off work? Of course I would not. | |
22 | 汤姆朝一个方向走,哈里则朝另一个方向走。 | Tom go off in one direction and harry in another. | |
23 | 我承担了那项任务,但它似乎进行得相当顺利。 | I had the assignment of it, but it seemed to go off pretty well | |
24 | 我儿子年轻时确实有些越轨行为,但现在安下心来,并已结婚成家。 | My son did go off the rails for a while in his late teens but he has settled with a family. | |
25 | 我公司里打高尔夫球的人,常常一起到乡间不同的球场打球。 | A group of golfers from my firm often go off together to play at different courses out in the country. | |
26 | 我过去绝不会猜到,偏偏是玛丽会行为越轨,竟然背着吉姆与另一个男人幽会。 | I would never have guessed that Mary of all people would go off the rails, and her she is seeing another man behind Jim’s back. | |
27 | 我看见你父亲与一位警察一起走了。 | I saw your father go off with a policeman | |
28 | 我们在下午5点钟下班。 | We go off shift at five in the afternoon. | |
29 | 我去要抢财为掳物,夺货为掠物,反手攻击那从前荒凉,现在有人居住之地,又攻击那住世界中间,从列国招聚,得了牲畜财货的民。 | To take their property by force and go off with their goods; turning your hand against the waste places which now are peopled, and against the people who have been got together out of the nations, who have got cattle and goods for themselves, who are living in the middle of the earth. | |
30 | 我听说Sound Street即将停播。 | I hear Sound Street to go off air soon. |